Photography by Stony River/AU

Photography by Stony River/AU

About two decade ago, I watched a Jerry Springer show
(before ongoing sexual content of programming) where
White Supremacists talked about a ‘race war’ coming
to our nation. I sat in prophetic churches and from the
pulpit I heard Pastors assert that Lord Jesus was taking
dominion over politics & every level of power in America.

Christian Evangelicals, the Tea Party and hate groups have
jumped into bed with one another. The realization that whites
are becoming the minority in the United States is behind the
plethera of anti-abortion, anti-birth control measures. The
whites only crowd know that without white babies being born,
they will have a Democratic reign without end.  The thinking
is that Alternative Lifestyles ‘threaten’ procreation hence
they are also declared a ‘threat’ to heterosexual marriages.

The North wind brought contagious hatred in the form of Sarah
Palin. With her, the Republican Party has given way to the Tea
Party. The Tea Party has no problem being anti-immigrant and
overtly racist. The Tea Party absorbed a myriad of white power
groups. They are collective. They are rabid in their hatred for
 anyone without white skin. Attacks on individuals of non-white
 minorities are emboldened.  Right Talk venues promote paranoia.

I suggest to you that the shootings in Wisconsin have Michelle
Bachmann’s fingerprints all over it, with her allegations of the
Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘infiltration’ within high level politics.
 This horrible paranoia of  brown skin has sent the Tea Party
and White Supremists groups to initiate all sorts of legislation
on local & state levels seeking to hamstring majority/minorities
voters; making voting difficult for those who take public
transportation or are too old to have birth certificates. Some
shorten early voter registration on the weekend before the
election vote in which entire black congregations have routinely
voted. College students can no longer present their student IDs.

This multi-headed hydra is what is now The New Republican Party.
Strange brew and strange bedfellows working with one goal: to
retain white superiority in the face of changing statistics against
this in America as well as worldwide. No, these players have not
lost their minds. Rather, they are advancing a unified racist plan.

Alice Parris


Photography by Stony River/AU

Photography by Stony River/AU

When a lawmaker represents a constituency, they are duty
bound to represent the people & interests of constituencies.
Those who have signed the Norquist pledge (opposition to all
tax increases)have dismissed the concerns of their constituencies,
rather being entrenched in highly partisan policies & politics.

Those who have legislators representing them, who do not
agree with their representatives having signed the Norquist
pledge, should gather themselves together to sue these
representatives. Those who did not know that their candidates
or incumbents signed the pledge, should also gather to sue.

The signing of the Norquist pledge has hamstrung the
Congress creating gridlock, to the chagrin of most true
Americans. Legal systems should address this aberancy.
Americans should not be forced into the predetermined.

Also, I received a letter from Mitt Romney & RNC asking
me to give money and sign a pledge. I am a Democrat. I
am pro-Obama all day everyday. I believe that the RNC
got Obama’s small donor list. I called the RNC and asked
them to never contact me again. Could it be that Mitt
Romney & RNC are trying to “turn” Democrats or was it
a fluke? A warning to hard-core Dems; ahead: filthy pool!

Alice Parris


Photography by Stony River/AU

Photography by Stony River/AU

In truth, for all of the GOP’s religious posturing, they do not believe the Word of God. Their politics and policies are the antithesis of Christian doctrine. Since when have the Catholics been the sole driving force of God’s wisdom and the depository of knowledge? A very limited theological understanding is on display from alleged “Catholics” in the Congress, Senate, Fox news and Right wing talk shows. It is an abomination to despise the poor, afflicted, sick, elderly and the least among us. It shows an flagrant lack of charity. The apostle Paul states that the greatest virtue is charity. “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” Ist Corintihians 13:1   “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son…”  This is because God is love.

What is on display is “another gospel” being preached. It has no value or virtue. It is devoid of power. It shall not be allowed to prevail. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7 The sowing of fraud in the name of God shall not go unpunished. Do these deceivers think that God is sleeping?  “Behold He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” Psalm 121:4  The very thing to which the GOP have committed themselves will turn upon them and devour them. 

Their money shall not buy them the White House, for their purpose is power for the sake of power and not for the good of the people they claim to represent. They do not offer a vision of justice or unity. The have no vision.  “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor and blind and naked:…” Revelations 3:17  Misrepresenting God is an offense for the which judgement must be administered.   Do not be angry or dismissive of the true Word of God you claim your policies are based upon.  Obey the Word of God and turn from the propagation of a false gospel or stop hiding behind God while you violate His Word. The choice and the judgement that follows is yours.

 Alice Parris





Should I go softly into the sweet purring night
or spin like a new windmill into the furious sun?

Shall I yet stretch out upon limbs brittle-sure?
The morn cups chirping birds of Southern hue
as the vultures gather at the the road’s crossing.

I was that gift of drink poured out in love’s leaving,
never noticed till years passed on their understanding.

I watch dimly in this gray world trimmed darkest noir.
The sharp mind bleeds from having turned upon itself.

Colors bled and faded in the passage of indifferent years.
Stark, falling shards have become our only measurements.

O, do you discharge your spirit before slumber overtakes?
There is yet a brightness hidden from earth-bound eyes
that quiets all turbulence in the breathlessness of night.

The quickening comes when time stalls… suddenly.

Alice Parris


Photography by Stony River/AU

Photography by Stony River/AU


Craggy visage
framed by snow-locks.
Power mantle unfurls
upon a servant’s feet.

Garbled voices give
way to white-misted,
billowy clouds nesting
in a bed of symbols.

Flesh feasts
upon divine symbols
with viper-drool fangs.

The seer stands alone.

Wildflowers of white
yellow & lavender. Early
birds flying with mates.
Flooded creeks flash-dry.

Morning dew hides
from first light. Silence…
Rumbling underground
seeking wide-lipped spout.

Flurries scurry
to orbital peripheries.
Discernment of shadows.

The seer stands alone.

Within timeless frames
& frameless times…

The seer stands alone.

Alice Parris


Photography by Stony River/AU

Photography by Stony River/AU

The Palinites came from far and wide
to anoint their Northern queen and
sit her upon a throne of great power.

She left the Northern lights and fled
into the desert. There she lived like
a queen; lavishly. Far from the poor.

She was anointed the standard bearer
of a truth that neither pitied the poor
nor visited the widow. There was no
compassion for those appointed to die.

She charged much gold for others to
behold her and to be in her presence.
She preached the gospel of Sarah. She
peverted the true gospel of good news.

She prepared her caravan. Pomp and
ceremony went before her coronation.
The Palinites waved their fronds bowing
at her display of great wealth and power.

She chose as her crown rare, costly jewels.
Our Savior wore a painful crown of thorns.

The Lord has not blessed her coronation…

Alice Parris


Photography by poet Duane Locke

Photography by poet Duane Locke


Mother moon cries. Eye-weeper.

Earth’s waters replenish her tears.

Mother moon cries in great travail.


Coal-black armor on midnight steed.
Swords clashing in the heavenlies.

We lie between twixt and twiddle.
Seeking safety and understanding.


Asleep, the third Alice has
appeared in the third Heaven.

Her unglorified body flits
easily into celestial spaces;

haunting heaven thru desire.

Awake, she is weighed down;
the temporal demands of life.

The third Alice sees the glorious
flash of white wings encircle her.

Hears pure knowledge whisper
to her spirit, “soon, but not yet.”



Photography by Stony River/AU

Photography by Stony River/AU

The GOP fueled by the erratic Tea Party rose to power in 2010 based on
repetitious lies. The promises that they said were their priorities were fictitious.
They swept in countless GOP governors to do the work of taking away rights, services
& sustenance to the families over the which they exerted control in a plethera of states.

In a bizarre campaign promise contradiction, they led with their social agenda. Trying
to destroy unions, women’s rights & college education. All of this done in the name of
Christian values. They are false Christians, not having understood the Beatitudes.

They are so full of hate for President Obama that they have sold their souls in the hating.
It is written, “But he that hateth his brother, is in darkness, and walketh in darkness and
knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness has blinded his eyes.” I John 1:11

Imagine denying a woman the right to choose, forcing her to have a baby, then denying
her the assistance she may need to feed and provide for her child. This will happen if GOP
governors are given “block medicaid funds.” Corrupt governors will just give the money to
their rich donors. How will these children of “rape & incest’ be fed?

Imagine the super rich fortified in their mansions with an arsenal of weapons to shoot any
hungry, roaming masses that have become their victims. Shall we see massive death in
America? Shall we see the middle class homeless? Shall we witness snipers in the ivory
towers of the rich shooting down hungry protesting people? The GOP/Tea Party future
for America is sick and dark.

How long shall the blinded stay blind? How long shall the racist hate, voting against his
own interest? What baby boomer does not have elderly parents on medicare, in assisted
living or nursing homes? These middle-agers will have to pay for the medical care of their
parents who have paid into the social security system their whole lives & got cheated
on medicare to give tax breaks to the rich.

Be afraid. Be very afraid if the GOP have their way. Children, women of reproductive age,
college students, baby boomers & the elderly have to let go of their “fear of a black man”
and begin to see the alternative for what it is: guaranted increase in income for the rich and
for the politicians that make it possible. Heaven help us all, for despair & death is on the
doorstep in America.

Alice Parris


Photography by Stony River/AU

Photography by Stony River/AU

Prophecies are unfolding at a rapid rate. I am stilled to silence as a matter of self-discipline. The ability to be still is a gift that is needed in these times. Each of us needs to find the stillness within in order to forgo stepping on “cause and effect” landmines. We are aware that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Timing dictates the other “shoe-drop.”

Alice Parris


Photography by Stony River/AU

Photography by Stony River/AU

Just what have the newly minted Tea Party/Republicans been up to since they were sworn in? Well, one glaring thing is their desire to “take over” a women’s uterus. Do they wish to see all women return to the state of being barefoot and pregnant? What is this absurdity of trying to redefine “rape” or “incest?” What is this attempt to deny a woman, dying from a pregnancy gone wrong, medical have her turned out into the streets? Have these people gone stark raving mad? This seems like a self-fufilling prophecy. Just this summer, the Tea Party bemoaned “Sharia law in America.” THEY are the one’s re-branding it and taking it as their own. They do want religious rule in America, only you’ve got to be a Christian or there is no place at the table. The only people that they want to see have equal rights appear to be heterosexual white males.

I suggest to you that Caucasians in America took a look around and saw that they were not reproducing at the same rates as “minorities.” Then (with a black man in the White House) a fevered push on immigration, guns flying off the shelves, a rise in racist militias, talk of succession & a waxing nostalgic about the Southern Confederacy & the Civil War. (replete with a big ole Scarlett O’Hara bash)

I further suggest to you that the flagrant disrespect towards the POTUS, especially the carrying of open fire arms at an event where he was speaking & the Arizona shooting all stem from the same irrational fear. The fear is of a “colored planet.” We all know that only liberals can tolerate justice and equality for all. Since the President of the United States is obliged to help shape the world, they just have got to get a Republican white man back in there or our country is going straight to perdition! Little matter if Republicans ruined the world’s economy. Now, somehow, Obama did it! No, what he did was win the Presidency fair and square!

It does not matter what President Obama says or does. They have got to take the power back come hell or high water. It doesn’t matter if pregnant women die in the streets, it does not matter how many Hispanics they have to push into the sea, it does not matter how many sick people die, it doesn’t matter how many homeless freeze to death, it doesn’t matter who risks life & limb fighting in wars. It does not matter who gets hurt in this tug of war for power. The only thing that matters is who wins- it is certainly not about fiscal discipline.

Last time that I checked, the Republicans in the Congress couldn’t count the votes prior to taking a vote on the Patriot Act. By the way, the Patriot Act will help protect from foreign & domestic terrorists. Which one of you will be the next to volunteer to be gunned down because nobody knew that a POCKET OF EVIL was fomenting nearby? Tea Party/GOP/bipolar conservative movements, kiss my ass!

Alice Parris